30 March 2024
Our Partnerships: Nurturing Skin, Nature, and Minds

At Kapurn: Skin, we believe in the power of giving back and making a positive impact on the world around us. We are proud to announce that a proportion of our profits will be dedicated to supporting two incredible organizations: The Westerman Jilya Institute for Indigenous Mental Health and Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre.

The Westerman Jilya Institute for Indigenous Mental Health was established in response to the tragic deaths of Aboriginal young people in the Kimberley region. Dr. Tracy Westerman AM, deeply moved by these losses and the ongoing mental health challenges faced by Aboriginal communities, took action to improve access to culturally competent mental health services. The Institute's vision is to reduce Indigenous suicides, build resilience, and strengthen the well-being of Indigenous Australians. Through culturally and clinically informed mental health and suicide prevention responses, and by increasing the number of Indigenous Psychologists working in Australia's highest-risk regional and remote communities, they strive to make a lasting difference. We are honored to support the Institute's vital work in creating measurable outcomes and ensuring that no child dies from lack of access to mental health support.

Additionally, we are dedicated to supporting wildlife conservation efforts through our partnership with the Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre. This not-for-profit organization is committed to caring for sick, injured, orphaned, and displaced wildlife, as well as breeding threatened species, conducting training and research, and educating schools and communities. Their tireless efforts in rehabilitating and preserving Australia's unique wildlife contribute to the sustainability and biodiversity of our precious ecosystems. By supporting the Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre, we play a role in protecting and conserving the natural treasures that make our country so extraordinary.

With every purchase you make at Kapurn: Skin, you are contributing to these remarkable organizations. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of Indigenous Australians, ensuring access to crucial mental health services, and helping to build stronger, more resilient communities. Additionally, our support for the Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre helps safeguard our beloved wildlife and their habitats for future generations to cherish and enjoy.

We are immensely proud to partner with The Westerman Jilya Institute for Indigenous Mental Health and the Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre, as their work aligns with our values of compassion, preservation, and community. By choosing Kapurn: Skin, you become a part of this meaningful endeavor, making a positive impact on Indigenous mental health and wildlife conservation in Australia.

Join us in supporting these important causes and be a catalyst for change. Together, we can create a brighter future for Indigenous communities, wildlife, and the environment.

Your investment in your skin health becomes an investment in the well-being of others and the preservation of our natural wonders.

Photo from left to right is Dr Tracy Westerman AM, Tasma Walton, and honours students Jodie Mottrem and Kelly Hyde.

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